Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Not That Egyptian River

One thing I'm seeing from those who don't get it is an ignorant and/or stiff-necked denial that racism is still a very real problem in the US. (I mean, if Morgan Freeman says it's not, it must be true, right?!) Unbelievable.

Let me be blunt: Every single one of you still claiming that racism is no longer a problem in this country is straight up calling me a liar. You are unequivocally declaring that all the experiences which friends, family members, and I myself have had, even as recently as a couple months ago, (some of which my wife has witnessed), as well as what my daughter had to go through recently(!), are all in my imagination. And you don't even grasp the level of privilege required to be able to do this!

If this is where you are at this stage, either you are just not very bright (sorry, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), or you don't want to see it. (In fact, this also applies to the deflecting, whataboutism, and the like still taking place.) If you are in the former group, I will be praying for God to help you out and for me to have and show you grace.

If you are in the latter group, burying your head in the sand, you are not my friend. You do not actually love or care about me, and words to the contrary mean nothing. Difficult as it may be, I need to move forward. Maybe we'll come back around some day, but frankly that's on you.

 -- And even though I often feel like I'm wasting words, here are 1000 more:

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