Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Next Chapter

What a fascinating journey this has been so far!

I started here; from there I transitioned to here; and now I find myself right here.

The first two blogs had a specific context; and, while they definitely served my purpose for them at the time, I realize that, like everyone else, there is more to me than just one...category, or label.

I do not write this blog because I think that I, or my life, is worthy of documenting.  I write it because (1) it is therapeutic; (2) we are, after all, supposed to write about what we know; and, (3) it is a simple fact that God uses each of us to impact others as much as we let Him.  There may only be three people in the whole world who ever get anything out of what I share, but that's not within my control.  If even just one person benefits, that's good enough for me.

For now, though, that's pretty much all I have to say.  :)

Thanks for joining me!