Thursday, March 1, 2012

We The People

Well, it's election season.  Though I try to avoid politics, and what usually passes for "news" in general, it is a bit hard to these days.  As time passes, I am noticing a trend, and I had a thought.

The trend is this: we the people seem to complain, rant, rave, maybe do a little something politically, vote, rinse, repeat.

My thought is simply this: maybe the politicians aren't really the problem.

I think we forget that we the people really are the ones with the power.  And, since we forget we have it, we don't really use it.  So, maybe we should ask ourselves, are we truly part of the solution, or are we really just part of the problem?  Here are some questions that might help:

  • Am I someone who walks into a voting booth and simply pulls my party's lever (i.e., do I actually believe the candidate in my party is always and irrefutably the best choice)?
  • Did I vote for/against Obama purely, or even primarily, because of his skin color?
  • Do I vote without doing any research of my own, maybe even based on what ads or the media tell me?
(If you answered "yes" to any of these, maybe you just shouldn't vote....)
  • Do I honestly believe that whoever is voted into office this year will solve everything?
  • Do I complain about the way that money and politics co-mingle yet never change my lifestyle habits (where I shop, where eat, where I buy gas, what I drive, where I live, etc.)?

Our brothers and sisters in the Middle East are finally doing something about their situations.  Do we really still believe that the solution lies in relying on the flawed human(s) we elect to make all the important decisions for us??

Now, I am not necessarily advocating a revolution; but, if all we want to do is whine and complain and not much else, maybe we should just hush (I can hear some of you now; and, yes, you are free to air your opinions.  My point, though, is, what good is that actually doing?).

On the other hand, maybe we should remember who really has the power...and start exercising it!

(Ok, complain, rant, rave done; time to go drop $4.29/gallon....)

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