Thursday, March 8, 2012

Stop. Kony. Now.

I just watched a 27-minute video that hit me hard!  I have begun to get involved and do something about it.  I want to ask you to do the same.  In a way, this directly exemplifies what I wrote about in my last post: we really do have the power; we just need to exercise it!  Maybe you won't be out all night on April 20th, but their Web site makes it SO easy to do something!

And to my fellow Christians, I humbly suggest a challenge...a challenge that just may change your life:

  1. Find a Bible you have an easy time reading all the way through (I prefer certain chronological arrangements).
  2. Using a piece of paper, spreadsheet, or whatever works for you, make a tracker consisting of at least three columns, and title the columns Fellowship, Evangelism, and Poor & Needy.*
  3. Read through your Bible all the way through, noting on your tracker every Scripture reference that falls under one of these categories.
  4. When you're done, use your tracker to check your heart against God's toward the poor and needy, especially in comparison to the other areas we tend to focus on in our churches.
*You can add more columns, of course, depending on what your church tends to focus on.

Jesus came to seek and save the lost, right?  Of course He did (Luke 19:10).  But is that all He came to do (Matthew 20:28)?  And just how did He go about His mission?  Did He spend approximately 3.5 years preaching to the masses about church attendance, or evangelism, or "tithing," or whatever?  Or, did He spend his time meeting the physical needs around Him, taking advantage of the opportunities that came along to also meet the spiritual ones?  (This, by the way, also makes for a good -- and shorter :) -- Bible study.)

(For more on Christianity and serving the poor, please take the time to listen to this podcast.)

So please.  Watch the video.  Sign the pledge.  And, don't stop there....

Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do :D.

Thank you!!

1 comment:

  1. No one is immune. The folks behind this effort also receive their share of criticism. While I am a strong advocate of getting the facts, at some point, that either boils down to whom you choose to believe on the Internet or actually going and finding out for yourself. I can't afford a trip to Africa; but, even if there's only one child left in Kony's army, I can do something here. And I will.
