Monday, January 18, 2021

Come And See *Him*

If you do not consider yourself a Christian, how do you view Christians these days? Do you see Christians as

 - hateful?

 - loving?

 - bigots?

- compassionate?

 - hypocrites?

 - humble?

It is natural to judge someone by their deeds, and it is equally natural to judge an entity by its self-proclaimed representatives. Did you know, however, that even Jesus taught that many who claim to be His followers actually are not (Matthew 7:21-24)?

Now, I am obviously not perfect! I fall short ("sin") all the time; I can still let my emotions get the better of me; I can lose sight of what truly matters; and, so much more. Fortunately, Jesus came for people just like me (Matthew 9:10-13). But one thing I do, I keep striving to live more and more as He would, learning from my mistakes, getting back up, and pressing on (Philippians 3:13) even when it's really, really hard.

And why? Because He is literally awesome! He truly is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6)!

Our world is hurting now more than ever. I obviously don't have all the answers, but I do know where to find them. If you would like to see Him for who he truly is and all the hope and love He offers, come and see. We can explore together. :)

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Open Letter To The Church

Do you believe racism isn't a problem because you're not racist?

Do you believe rape isn't a problem because you're not a rapist?

Do you believe hunger isn't a problem because you're not hungry?

Murder? Poverty? Oppression?

Do you understand where this is rooted??

Or think about it this way:

Have you or someone you love been raped? When Americans, including in the church, begin insisting more and more -- and they will -- that the rape culture we've created be dealt with head on and destroyed, what will you do?
When people in the church say we shouldn't be talking about that, how will you feel?
What will you think of those saying that?
How will you view them?

What if this were about adultery? Would there even be a debate?!
If so(!), what would you think of the people in the "we shouldn't be talking about this" camp?
What kinds of things might you suspect?
If you were a victim of adultery, how would you feel?

Taking these scenarios a step further, how would you feel if rapists or adulterers got up every week and essentially ignored the issue while telling you how to behave?
Especially if done in the guise of pleasing God?!

And...what would you do?

Behold my servant, whom I uphold,
    my chosen, in whom my soul delights;
I have put my Spirit upon him;
    he will bring forth justice to the nations.
He will not cry aloud or lift up his voice,
    or make it heard in the street;
a bruised reed he will not break,
    and a faintly burning wick he will not quench;
    he will faithfully bring forth justice.
He will not grow faint or be discouraged
    till he has established justice in the earth;
    and the coastlands wait for his law.
 - Isaiah 42:1-4

As a church we need to confess and repent, and each member simply must choose between pride and humility. It is no more complicated than that.


Sunday, November 15, 2020

Current Status: I Am...Good

I recently went through all my blog and Facebook posts from the last several months. Man...I've been pretty angry. I guess that's what happens when 30+ years of suppressed emotions erupt like Mt. St. Helens. There were a few posts this year I quickly deleted after I made them, but all the posts that are still there I stand by. I am not, however, feeling angry anymore.

I am sad, and I am disappointed. I have had to accept some harsh realities and make some difficult decisions with regard to some relationships and situations in my life, and I am definitely grieving the losses. (Heck, I feel like I'm kind of a pro at grieving by now. ;) )

This year has been a time of profound hurt and frustration; a time of self discovery and honesty; and, a time of love and encouragement, seeing who my true friends are. I have some amazing people in my life; people who when I say I'm hurting believe and listen to me, and people who are willing to drive two hours to be with me or open their homes when I need a friend. I don't deserve such good friends, and I am profoundly and eternally grateful!

All in all, I am good. And I will keep going...and growing.

"Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him."
 - James 1:12

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Group

The group has a certain mold, not because its the *right* mold (though those who fit the mold will argue this) but because it's the mold that has always worked for the majority...for those who don't rock the boat; for the decision makers, and for those who largely pay their salaries.

It is...truly realize you've been part of the group for decades and yet you still are still made to feel like you matter less than others. (In fact, it is eerily like realizing you are in a specific type of toxic/abusive relationship.)

With the latest reminder(s) of all this, I have finally figured some things out:

  • When I was a "good boy," oh how they loved me. When I was an honest man, not so much.
  • I do not need to be part of the group.
  • The group does not define me.
  • The group is not my identity.
  • I don't need the group's approval.
  • There is something far more vast than the group's members, and that is where I must fix my focus!
  • The group will be just fine without me.
  • With friends who love God more than self and care enough about me to get TRULY uncomfortable, I will be fine without the group.

Thursday, September 24, 2020


Imagine your child is hit and killed by a drunk driver. No, really: stop and actually try to imagine what that would be like.

The driver tells the investigators that your child jumped out into the street in front of him, even though he was honking his horn, and a lone witness corroborates his story. Because of this, the driver is charged with drunk driving but not manslaughter.

Would this satisfy you? Would this feel like justice?

Assuming the AG was telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, they made their decision correctly in accordance with KY law.

Do you understand why this does nothing for the pain, frustration, and yes even anger, of so many? Are you trying to?

Our votes matter now more than ever before! Are any options currently available to us perfect? Not even close. But we must have what it takes to fight the good fight, to persevere even longer, until every official and every law that is tipped against us has been replaced or repealed.

And let us resist peacefully, so that they will have nothing to say against us without blatantly and inarguably revealing that racism, fear, and/or selfishness are truly at the heart of it. They will not change because we throw bottles at them; they will, however, be replaced when we vote them or those who would employ and protect them out!

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Moving Forward, For Me

Not long ago, I shared just some thoughts on how to move forward. Since then, I have been trying to follow my own advice. For one thing, I have slowly made the transition from trying to educate the general public (so to speak) to privately addressing individuals in my life. Needless to say, it has been hard; and, the results have been...mixed, at best.

A couple weeks later, I shared on Facebook that I believe the "line in the sand" has already been drawn, but it's not a line between Black and White, Republican and Democrat, or anything like that. It is a line between justice and oppression, love and hate/apathy/selfishness, good and evil. All that remains is showing which side we're all on.

And everyone is watching.

What I'm seeing nowadays is (1) folks who get it, (2) folks who don't get it but are trying, (3) folks who don't get it and aren't trying, and (4) folks who want to stay out of it.

(1) Those Who Get It

What can I say? We are in this together! And we will not stop.

(2) Those Trying

Thank you! A thousand times over, THANK YOU! If you haven't already read it, maybe me sharing my heart will help you or someone you know, even a little.

(3) Those Not Trying

To me, the folks who still "don't get it" or "don't see it" at this point have their own issues. It is not from a lack of explanation or resources. We have neither the energy nor the obligation to keep explaining to those who refuse to listen and just want to air their opinions (Prov 18:2). And frankly, us doing your work for you is kind of a core factor here!

(4) Those Avoiding It

The parable of the lost sheep has been used to try to explain what's wrong with, "All lives matter," and I love that. I'd like to make another point from it:

 - What did the shepherd in the story do?  [Read: DOOOO!]

I will respect your space, but I genuinely don't see how you can stay out of it forever and keep claiming Christ (1 John 3:18), or me as a friend.

For groups 3 and 4: If you do not do the work, you'll have only yourself to blame in the end.


Here's the deal: We all view the issues that come up in life certain ways for all kinds of reasons. With some people I will see eye-to-eye, and with others I won't. Some stuff will be small, and some will be big. It is neither my job nor ability to change anyone but me.

For my own health, for the time being at least, I need to distance myself from folks with whom I "don't see eye-to-eye" on at least some of the really big things (e.g., systemic racism), regardless of how or from where I know them.

I understand that this will seem harsh to some, and still others will judge. C'est la vie.

That's it. Time for me to get back to my work. Good luck and God's grace to us ALL!

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Not That Egyptian River

One thing I'm seeing from those who don't get it is an ignorant and/or stiff-necked denial that racism is still a very real problem in the US. (I mean, if Morgan Freeman says it's not, it must be true, right?!) Unbelievable.

Let me be blunt: Every single one of you still claiming that racism is no longer a problem in this country is straight up calling me a liar. You are unequivocally declaring that all the experiences which friends, family members, and I myself have had, even as recently as a couple months ago, (some of which my wife has witnessed), as well as what my daughter had to go through recently(!), are all in my imagination. And you don't even grasp the level of privilege required to be able to do this!

If this is where you are at this stage, either you are just not very bright (sorry, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), or you don't want to see it. (In fact, this also applies to the deflecting, whataboutism, and the like still taking place.) If you are in the former group, I will be praying for God to help you out and for me to have and show you grace.

If you are in the latter group, burying your head in the sand, you are not my friend. You do not actually love or care about me, and words to the contrary mean nothing. Difficult as it may be, I need to move forward. Maybe we'll come back around some day, but frankly that's on you.

 -- And even though I often feel like I'm wasting words, here are 1000 more: