Sunday, November 15, 2020
Current Status: I Am...Good
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
The Group
The group has a certain mold, not because its the *right* mold (though those who fit the mold will argue this) but because it's the mold that has always worked for the majority...for those who don't rock the boat; for the decision makers, and for those who largely pay their salaries.
It is...truly realize you've been part of the group for decades and yet you still are still made to feel like you matter less than others. (In fact, it is eerily like realizing you are in a specific type of toxic/abusive relationship.)
With the latest reminder(s) of all this, I have finally figured some things out:
- When I was a "good boy," oh how they loved me. When I was an honest man, not so much.
- I do not need to be part of the group.
- The group does not define me.
- The group is not my identity.
- I don't need the group's approval.
- There is something far more vast than the group's members, and that is where I must fix my focus!
- The group will be just fine without me.
- With friends who love God more than self and care enough about me to get TRULY uncomfortable, I will be fine without the group.
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Imagine your child is hit and killed by a drunk driver. No, really: stop and actually try to imagine what that would be like.
The driver tells the investigators that your child jumped out into the street in front of him, even though he was honking his horn, and a lone witness corroborates his story. Because of this, the driver is charged with drunk driving but not manslaughter.
Would this satisfy you? Would this feel like justice?
Assuming the AG was telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, they made their decision correctly in accordance with KY law.
Do you understand why this does nothing for the pain, frustration, and yes even anger, of so many? Are you trying to?
Our votes matter now more than ever before! Are any options currently available to us perfect? Not even close. But we must have what it takes to fight the good fight, to persevere even longer, until every official and every law that is tipped against us has been replaced or repealed.
And let us resist peacefully, so that they will have nothing to say against us without blatantly and inarguably revealing that racism, fear, and/or selfishness are truly at the heart of it. They will not change because we throw bottles at them; they will, however, be replaced when we vote them or those who would employ and protect them out!
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Moving Forward, For Me
(1) Those Who Get It
(2) Those Trying
(3) Those Not Trying
(4) Those Avoiding It
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
Not That Egyptian River
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Violence Bad
- Condemning violence right now is akin to saying all lives matter; you're not wrong, but you are totally missing the point.
- Defending the police with "a few bad apples" while condemning an entire movement based on a handful of incidents of graffiti and vandalism is a blatant and grotesque double standard.