Saturday, June 27, 2020

Violence Bad

I'd like to address the "I'm all for peaceful protests, but the violence is just wrong" posts. Like I've expressed before:
  • Condemning violence right now is akin to saying all lives matter; you're not wrong, but you are totally missing the point.
  • Defending the police with "a few bad apples" while condemning an entire movement based on a handful of incidents of graffiti and vandalism is a blatant and grotesque double standard.
Frankly, still being in this camp is a clear indication that you still don't get it. And at this point, that conveys that you aren't listening. And this translates into you don't care. I know, I know, but let me try to explain, one last time.

See, I too don't like the violence and hope it stops soon (especially for the "mom and pops" that don't have millions in insurance). Read that sentence again. At the same time though, I actually do understand, which keeps me from generically, publicly condemning the violence. So here last "public" try on my part. Because let's face it, folks who still "don't get it" at this point have their own issues. It's not from a lack of explanation.

Let's dive right in, shall we? Watch the whole video.

Now, can you FEEL what she is feeling? If you can't, guess what.

Can you UNDERSTAND that this is what millions of us are feeling?!

Don't preach, lecture, or tell Black folks how to behave, not even in the name of Jesus (Who, again, fashioned a whip, flipped over tables, and irrefutably does care about justice).

Listen! Empathize!! TRY TO UNDERSTAND!!!

I would like to humbly make a suggestion. What if, instead of posting opinions on social media and elsewhere that will be liked by those just like you and not liked by everyone else -- it's not helping anyway! -- you start a private conversation with one person in your life who is "on the other side" of things and whom you call friend?  (Yes, I am doing this myself.)

If you don't have anyone like this in your life, well then Karen, maybe...try to make some new friends...?

Finally, know that refusal to even try this suggestion shows your true colors more loudly and clearly than any post or comment ever could. And yes, everyone is still watching.

Well that's it. On to more fruitful endeavors. I sincerely hope this prompts even one more person to start digging deeper.

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