Saturday, May 4, 2024

It's Just Money

While we were out of town this past March, we got a Life360 alert that one of our kids' phones experienced some sort of sudden stop, and that one of the things this could mean is an accident. (This is a really lame experience, by the way, especially when you've already been through it once before for real.) Anyway, when we finally got hold of them, we found out that our son had left his phone on top of the car and it ended up going on its own, final adventure. Then,

  1. We reported it to Verizon.
  2. This lowered our bill by a good amount.
  3. We told him he wouldn't be getting another one until he could pay for it.
  4. Life was good.
  5. Then,
We got an email from Verizon shortly thereafter informing us that, with only three phones, we would be losing whatever bundle discount we had. Ok. Cool. How bad could it be? Then,

I got the latest bill today.


For THREE phones!

So I've been calming myself by reminding myself that it's just money. It comes and goes. And really, what else can you do about something you never seem to have enough of? Besides, it's not like it's oxygen, or love. Those would be really bad things to never have enough of, right?

So, yeah. It's just money.

It's. Just. Money.

IT', I'll let you know how it goes. (No, we won't be paying that.)

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