Monday, June 7, 2021
Sunday, May 2, 2021
What's It All About?
Members of my church would (hopefully, anyway! LOL) agree that if someone willfully continues to lust, they are in danger of throwing away their salvation. Or if they willfully continue to steal. Or if they continue to ignore the plights of the poor and oppressed...
Wait a minute...actually, they wouldn't agree on that last one, would they? And why not?
I believe it's because of how and what we have -- and have not -- been taught over the years. It's a simple matter of training and conditioning.
It's not that we haven't read Scriptures like Hosea 12:6, Amos 5:15, Matthew 12:18, or Luke 11:42 (though, if we're being totally honest, OT verses are read FAR less frequently than NT); it's that we gloss over them. All organizations have their focal points and we have been no exception. We have all been asked countless times questions like
- How are your Quiet Times?
- How's your purity?
- How's your giving (i.e., money to the church)?
- Have you "shared your faith" today?
Let's face it: our historical focal point boils down to growing the church (we call it other things, like "making disciples," but at the end of the day....). When was the last time someone asked you about your serving the poor or working for justice??
Being a true Christian boils down to one thing, and it's not What Would Jesus Do? We KNOW what Jesus would do: He would do whatever God wanted Him to (Luke 22:42)! So the question -- what it's all about -- is this: What does God want? And not just some of His will (what humans in temporary leadership positions choose to focus on), all of it!
“Which of the two did what his father wanted?”
“The first,” they answered.
Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you. For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him."
- Matthew 21:31-32
Monday, January 18, 2021
Come And See *Him*
If you do not consider yourself a Christian, how do you view Christians these days? Do you see Christians as
- hateful?
- loving?
- bigots?
- compassionate?
- hypocrites?
- humble?
It is natural to judge someone by their deeds, and it is equally natural to judge an entity by its self-proclaimed representatives. Did you know, however, that even Jesus taught that many who claim to be His followers actually are not (Matthew 7:21-24)?
Now, I am obviously not perfect! I fall short ("sin") all the time; I can still let my emotions get the better of me; I can lose sight of what truly matters; and, so much more. Fortunately, Jesus came for people just like me (Matthew 9:10-13). But one thing I do, I keep striving to live more and more as He would, learning from my mistakes, getting back up, and pressing on (Philippians 3:13) even when it's really, really hard.
And why? Because He is literally awesome! He truly is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6)!
Our world is hurting now more than ever. I obviously don't have all the answers, but I do know where to find them. If you would like to see Him for who he truly is and all the hope and love He offers, come and see. We can explore together. :)
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Open Letter To The Church
Do you believe racism isn't a problem because you're not racist?
Do you believe rape isn't a problem because you're not a rapist?
Do you believe hunger isn't a problem because you're not hungry?
Murder? Poverty? Oppression?
Do you understand where this is rooted??
Or think about it this way:
Have you or someone you love been raped? When Americans, including in the church, begin insisting more and more -- and they will -- that the rape culture we've created be dealt with head on and destroyed, what will you do?
When people in the church say we shouldn't be talking about that, how will you feel?
What will you think of those saying that?
How will you view them?
What if this were about adultery? Would there even be a debate?!
If so(!), what would you think of the people in the "we shouldn't be talking about this" camp?
What kinds of things might you suspect?
If you were a victim of adultery, how would you feel?
Taking these scenarios a step further, how would you feel if rapists or adulterers got up every week and essentially ignored the issue while telling you how to behave?
Especially if done in the guise of pleasing God?!
And...what would you do?
Behold my servant, whom I uphold,
my chosen, in whom my soul delights;
I have put my Spirit upon him;
he will bring forth justice to the nations.
He will not cry aloud or lift up his voice,
or make it heard in the street;
a bruised reed he will not break,
and a faintly burning wick he will not quench;
he will faithfully bring forth justice.
He will not grow faint or be discouraged
till he has established justice in the earth;
and the coastlands wait for his law.
- Isaiah 42:1-4
As a church we need to confess and repent, and each member simply must choose between pride and humility. It is no more complicated than that.
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Current Status: I Am...Good
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
The Group
The group has a certain mold, not because its the *right* mold (though those who fit the mold will argue this) but because it's the mold that has always worked for the majority...for those who don't rock the boat; for the decision makers, and for those who largely pay their salaries.
It is...truly realize you've been part of the group for decades and yet you still are still made to feel like you matter less than others. (In fact, it is eerily like realizing you are in a specific type of toxic/abusive relationship.)
With the latest reminder(s) of all this, I have finally figured some things out:
- When I was a "good boy," oh how they loved me. When I was an honest man, not so much.
- I do not need to be part of the group.
- The group does not define me.
- The group is not my identity.
- I don't need the group's approval.
- There is something far more vast than the group's members, and that is where I must fix my focus!
- The group will be just fine without me.
- With friends who love God more than self and care enough about me to get TRULY uncomfortable, I will be fine without the group.
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Imagine your child is hit and killed by a drunk driver. No, really: stop and actually try to imagine what that would be like.
The driver tells the investigators that your child jumped out into the street in front of him, even though he was honking his horn, and a lone witness corroborates his story. Because of this, the driver is charged with drunk driving but not manslaughter.
Would this satisfy you? Would this feel like justice?
Assuming the AG was telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, they made their decision correctly in accordance with KY law.
Do you understand why this does nothing for the pain, frustration, and yes even anger, of so many? Are you trying to?
Our votes matter now more than ever before! Are any options currently available to us perfect? Not even close. But we must have what it takes to fight the good fight, to persevere even longer, until every official and every law that is tipped against us has been replaced or repealed.
And let us resist peacefully, so that they will have nothing to say against us without blatantly and inarguably revealing that racism, fear, and/or selfishness are truly at the heart of it. They will not change because we throw bottles at them; they will, however, be replaced when we vote them or those who would employ and protect them out!