Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Not That Egyptian River

One thing I'm seeing from those who don't get it is an ignorant and/or stiff-necked denial that racism is still a very real problem in the US. (I mean, if Morgan Freeman says it's not, it must be true, right?!) Unbelievable.

Let me be blunt: Every single one of you still claiming that racism is no longer a problem in this country is straight up calling me a liar. You are unequivocally declaring that all the experiences which friends, family members, and I myself have had, even as recently as a couple months ago, (some of which my wife has witnessed), as well as what my daughter had to go through recently(!), are all in my imagination. And you don't even grasp the level of privilege required to be able to do this!

If this is where you are at this stage, either you are just not very bright (sorry, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), or you don't want to see it. (In fact, this also applies to the deflecting, whataboutism, and the like still taking place.) If you are in the former group, I will be praying for God to help you out and for me to have and show you grace.

If you are in the latter group, burying your head in the sand, you are not my friend. You do not actually love or care about me, and words to the contrary mean nothing. Difficult as it may be, I need to move forward. Maybe we'll come back around some day, but frankly that's on you.

 -- And even though I often feel like I'm wasting words, here are 1000 more:

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Violence Bad

I'd like to address the "I'm all for peaceful protests, but the violence is just wrong" posts. Like I've expressed before:
  • Condemning violence right now is akin to saying all lives matter; you're not wrong, but you are totally missing the point.
  • Defending the police with "a few bad apples" while condemning an entire movement based on a handful of incidents of graffiti and vandalism is a blatant and grotesque double standard.
Frankly, still being in this camp is a clear indication that you still don't get it. And at this point, that conveys that you aren't listening. And this translates into you don't care. I know, I know, but let me try to explain, one last time.

See, I too don't like the violence and hope it stops soon (especially for the "mom and pops" that don't have millions in insurance). Read that sentence again. At the same time though, I actually do understand, which keeps me from generically, publicly condemning the violence. So here goes...one last "public" try on my part. Because let's face it, folks who still "don't get it" at this point have their own issues. It's not from a lack of explanation.

Let's dive right in, shall we? Watch the whole video.

Now, can you FEEL what she is feeling? If you can't, guess what.

Can you UNDERSTAND that this is what millions of us are feeling?!

Don't preach, lecture, or tell Black folks how to behave, not even in the name of Jesus (Who, again, fashioned a whip, flipped over tables, and irrefutably does care about justice).

Listen! Empathize!! TRY TO UNDERSTAND!!!

I would like to humbly make a suggestion. What if, instead of posting opinions on social media and elsewhere that will be liked by those just like you and not liked by everyone else -- it's not helping anyway! -- you start a private conversation with one person in your life who is "on the other side" of things and whom you call friend?  (Yes, I am doing this myself.)

If you don't have anyone like this in your life, well then Karen, maybe...try to make some new friends...?

Finally, know that refusal to even try this suggestion shows your true colors more loudly and clearly than any post or comment ever could. And yes, everyone is still watching.

Well that's it. On to more fruitful endeavors. I sincerely hope this prompts even one more person to start digging deeper.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Violence Bad - Redirect

I had to re-create this post, here.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

How Do We Get There From Here?

Among Your Personal Relationships:

Share your story.
 - Joshua 1:9, Proverbs 17:17

Listen! Acknowledge. Own.
 - Proverbs 18:2, James 1:19, 
1 Corinthians 12:26

Forgive. Extend grace!
 - Matthew 6:14-15

Never stop calling it out.
 - Ezekiel 16:49, Isaiah 58:6, Galatians 6:2

Be ready to make the tough choice.
 - Matthew 7:6, Matthew 10:14

All of the above as appropriate.

Neither forget nor underestimate the power of your vote and your dollar.

Take action!

We will all be at different places with regard to these steps, and many of us more than one and at different times.

Doing this work will not be pretty or comfortable, but it must be done. And you must do your own work; no one else can (or should) do it for you. If you can Google...anything, you can do this work; there are countless resources available (see below for just a few). Don't let the "fatigue" stop you. And of course, we who do will be glad we did...and our children even more so!

Monday, June 1, 2020

Current Status: I Am Not Ok

[Per some strong recommendations years ago (Erin, Shelly) I was finally going to make my first video, but I couldn't even get through typing this without sobbing.]

Current status: I am not ok.

I am angry. I am VERY angry. I am pretty certain I'm angrier than I have ever been in my life (and in case you don't know, that's saying something).
In fact, this young woman expresses very well how I and so many others are feeling.
I have lived this my whole life.
My dad lived this his whole life (and my mom by his side).
 - I recently had to have "The Talk," in fact. You either know how this feels or you don't.
I am angry at myself for how long I've stuffed it all!
And I am angry at all those who have made me feel like I had to.

I am hurt. I am VERY hurt.
I am hurt by all the painful memories of my experiences with racism.
I am hurt by all the painful memories of my friends' experiences with racism.
I am hurt by all the times my other friends did nothing...or worse.
I am hurt by all my friends ("friends?") who are doing/saying nothing EVEN NOW!
And I am hurt by all my "friends" who apparently can only condemn riots.

PSA Time: 
“We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant. Wherever men and women are persecuted because of their race, religion, or political views, that place must - at that moment - become the center of the universe.”
- Elie Wiesel

  • If you think that just not being the guy who murdered someone is enough, you are wrong.
  • If you think that all we need to do is pray, "make disciples," and get along, your understanding of God's heart and Jesus' time on Earth is woefully inadequate and shallow.
  • If you just want to keep stating that not all cops are bad, don't bother: I agree. The thing is, we're not hating or trying to spread hate. (Some may be, but someone's ALWAYS doing that about something.) What we want is for people to understand how saying "not all cops are bad" is not just useless (because we're not stupid), but harmful because it comes across as not listening, which translates to not caring. Also, defending the police with "a few bad apples" while condemning an entire movement based on a handful of incidents of graffiti and vandalism is a gross and obvious double standard. Please watch this and dig deeper.
  • If you only want to argue that all lives matter, please read this and dig deeper.
  • If you or someone you love hasn't lived it and you are not even willing to TRY to understand, and/or if any of this offends you, you are part of the problem. Seek to understand respectfully or just be quiet.

And yes, I shall now even get political: Do you still support Trump even after how he has handled all of this?!

If you want to "disagree with me" on these things, I will not be discussing anything with you unless and until you have *at the very least* watched these two videos, in their entirety, actually paying attention (and I will test you):

  • 13th (also available on Netflix)
  • Full of Grace & Truth (if you call yourself a Christian, though it's good for everyone 😉)

I am still very much processing. I do not have all the answers. One thing I think I can say with confidence, though, is: We have had enough, and we are not going away.